Castlerock Golf Club, Northern Ireland


*By Kevin Markham, Destination Golf Ireland guide 2018.*#####A links of endless intrigue, variety and pace, Castlerock Golf Club offers a different links experience to its renowned neighbours, Royal Portrush and Portstewart.
Never mind the railway line and the brook, Castlerock’s dunes constantly change shape, ensuring you never quite settle into a rhythm.
There are flat holes and bumpy holes, doglegs and blind shots. There are plateau greens, hidden greens and sweet bunkering… it’s a heady mix that challenges all the way around and entertains all day long. You can swing freely here, despite the deep rough, so watch your ball race over the bumpy, curvaceous fairways… and watch carefully.
>These fairways have a life of their own.
The stretch of holes from 7 to 10 sets the course alight, with the 8th hole an absolute double-blind terror. Castlerock is receiving a significant upgrade by Martin Hawtree, which will only enhance its quality.

The 9-hole Bann course is also highly regarded.
**Favourite Hole:** The par four 10th doglegs over a
shoulder which drops down from the right. The hole
then sweeps left and down, showing off the green in
all its glory. Bump-and-run heaven.
**What’s in the Bag?** Be very, very smart around the
greens. The variety of holes means you need to think
carefully about what tee shot to play.

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